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•   Susan Rinehart  7/12
•   Donna Wimbish (Keenom)  4/7
•   Mike Klober  10/23
•   Jamie Kell (Bond)  10/18
•   Janet Bullington (Bailey)  4/24
•   Rusty Cooper  10/26
•   Terry Raible (Gray)  9/24
•   Susie Beaver (Pate)  8/31
•   Rosemary Humphrey (Galbraith)  8/30
•   Don Young (Young)  6/22
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 47.4%

A:   195   Joined
B:   216   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Northside High School
Class Of 1979

Welcome to the
Northside High Class Of 1979
web site!

 Have fun exploring the site, be sure to keep your profiles updated with current email & postal addresses.  And please check back often to stay in touch with your classmates & be notified of mini reunions as they are planned. No need to wait another 10 years to see each other!


Remember When...

 5th Grade Rogers Elementary












Great photo I just received from Darrell Miller. Click on it to see a larger version.

If you happen to have any more vintage photos like this that you would like to share please send them to me!  We will be getting group photo albums added to the site soon & I will be moving all of our photos back here from flickr so if you would like to wait till then you will also be able to post them yourselves.  Stay tuned!












See Judy Sargent Durham's profile for some great photos
of a reunion cruise she & Judy Smith & Suzanne Blair Hasty
took with all of their boys! Great photos, Judy!!


Photos for June 12th La Huerta reunion are here at the end of the thread.....











Photos from May 8th mini reunion.










Go here to see more photos from the girl's happy hour
at Lisa's house on April 4th!




Duane Hunter  7/27
Angela Gray (Davis)  7/28
Teresa Moss (Cope)  8/1
Donald Nichols  8/3
Linda Lux (Elser)  8/5
Billy Cason  8/8
Debra Shaw (Shade)  8/8
Thi My An Nguyen  8/11
Kelly Greenlee  8/16
Cecil Perkins  8/20
William Burnside  8/22
Reginald Robbins  8/22
Ken Edwards  8/24
Roger Taylor  8/26